Tuesday, February 14, 2006

under the knife

Good Plastic Surgery claims she's had work on her nose, cheeks and chin.

Witness Angelina's alleged before and afters (click for larger image):

Did she or didn't she? (Whatdya think, Lis?)


  1. I think a lot of it is called just growing into your features. When was the first picture taken>? When she was 13? How many of us still look the same as we did at 13?

    My favorite is when magazines take pictures of a woman's boobs and claim she must've had plastic surgery b/c they look perkier in the 2nd picture. It's called a wonderbra, people!

  2. Damn! She's so hot! It think she's just grown into her face and is wearing makeup now that she is older. I think she is a little too crazy to settle for general plastic surgery. =)

  3. I think she just grew into her face too...lost the baby fat, and now looks sleeker...that's all....man her lips were sooo lucious then...I am lusting after a 13 year old....sheesh.

  4. I don't think she has had any work done... great lips... I'm jealous!

  5. I'd like to think that none of the stars I like (i.e. Angelina, Madonna, etc) have had work done, but I need to get over that. Not for certain here, but still, kind of a bummer. I'd like to think it was all natural beauty.

    But still, damn, she's hot.
