things remembered
my sister's bridal shower went really well. it ended up being hot as hell on saturday, and the clubhouse isn't air conditioned. but it didn't get too bad until the very end, and it seems as though the 13 guests had a good time. i never heard from half of my family, the jerks, but i think my sister had a great time despite the fact that the only family there, other than my mother and myself, was my aunt that flew up from laguna.
friday night my sister, john and i took my aunt to santana row for dinner. we opted for pluto's because the hour-plus waits at consuelo's, straits, etc. was ridiculous. we wandered around a bit before heading to the left bank for drinks after dinner. it was a great night, and fun to catch up with her.
saturday morning i was up early to drag all the stuff i had at home to the clubhouse. i made 4 trips before Jewels came over to bring by her stuff, and before i knew it it was time to go buy balloons and stop by my restaurant to pick up some of the items i had them cater. (hey, i make the best of my resources!)
it was hectic getting everything ready, including myself, ready by 1p but somehow we managed.
i rented a 28mm f/1.8 for Sophie's birthday party and my sister's shower and i loved it! it was difficult to return it on monday.
yep, it's what you think it is. given to her by one of her employees!
sister and mom laughing it up
my gift to my sister, her toasting flutes (those are luggage tags on top)
i had my aunt, my parents, sister, john, Jewels, Cy and Sophie over for dinner after the shower. my parents kindly did everything to prepare and pretty much cleanup, which allowed me to go for a much-needed swim with everyone.
sunday i had every intent to really just do nothing, but it rarely works out that way. i went to a movie screening in the morning, did a bunch of stuff around the house, and went shopping for new workout clothes. i never really understood why people spend lots of money on workout stuff, but it's funny -- i look forward more to working out now with my new duds.
alex finished up on my hall closet today, and it looks so awesome! i need to paint the door and the new closet, and he'll come back and hang it next week. i'm hoping i'm able to paint it this weekend.
i'm on this home improvement kick -- alex also replaced all the door hardware for me, bringing these details into this century. it really changes the way the place looks! i had someone come out on monday for an estimate on central air conditioning, and i'm still awaiting his bid. i'd love to present the request at our condo board meeting on tuesday, especially since i won't be at august's meeting and i'll be damned if i'm waiting 'til september to gt A/C installed! today i also spoke with the electrician that did my ceiling fan a couple of years ago, and have him coming out to change out the exhaust fans in the bathrooms. all these things on my home improvement to-do list are finally getting done!
also, i have pink eye. i'm trying to figure out how i got it, my guess is at the gym, or at least that was suggested to me. i picked up the prescription eye drops today, and would you believe i had to psych myself up to use them? almost 30 years old and, aside from eye appointments, i have never put any eye drops in my eyes. i hope it clears up soon, although the itchiness already seems to have subsided.