Tuesday, July 21, 2009

the great depression

seems like i've been missing my maternal grandmother a lot these days. so when i discovered, via retro renovation, depression cooking with clara, i felt like i had a renewed connection.

clara is a charming 93-year-old grandmother living in new york state, and her grandson has put together a series of videos of clara sharing recipes and stories about her life.

my grandmother grew up in the midwest in the great depression, and was forever telling us horror stories of what it was like. frankly, sometimes it was tiresome to hear about just how awful things were, but i always listened patiently. now i wish she was still here to tell us more stories.

with our economy the way it is, "depression" has been thrown around a lot. living in the silicon valley tends to skew one's perspective, as despite frequent news reports of housing and unemployment crises, i still see at least one maserati daily.

i like to think my grandmother would appreciate "depression cooking with clara," and that it would inspire her to share some of her own depression-era stories and recipes.

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