Wednesday, March 19, 2008

tacky AND unrefined

break out the tanks, hooters is coming to town.

taken in S.F. (it was a family outing!)

definitely tacky (they even admit it) and i'm ashamed to say it, but dayum, they have some good boneless wings.

and she'll kill me for saying this, but i blame my mother for introducing me to the chain in new orleans. that woman loves her some wings.


  1. When we lived in Georgia, my parents came to visit. The night they arrived (after 10pm) we were hungry and I'll never forget how shocked I was that, after driving around looking for a place that would be open, my mother announced, "Hooters has great food"...too funny.

  2. I've yet to try them..BUT I'm sure I'll like them.

    When the one on Hamilton and Bascom opens we'll have to go!
