Tuesday, November 01, 2005

there's still plenty of meat on that bone

It was quite the Halloween shindig last night! We had lots of good food (and to think someone was worried about the lack of!) and sweets. We even had a stew going! They made an awesome pumpkin pie, complete with freshly whipped cream, yum yum yum! (I like food. So sue me.)

Eminem showed up with Kim the coolest chick in her pjs.
And I went as Cat in the Hat. Some of the cutest trick-or-treaters came by--Spiderman seemed to be the popular option this year. My favorite was one of mothers that came by with her daughter--she was dressed as Mrs. Potts from "Beauty and the Beast." Okay, so it wasn't homemade, but it certainly was cute.

I have to say it was one of the most fun Halloween evenings I've had.


  1. How does your pic show the BooBar intact? That sign was always saying "BooBa"!

  2. Just read through your entire blog. The cat in the hat photo made me laugh in a good way. :)
